Ruby rails sublime text for windows
Ruby rails sublime text for windows

  1. #Ruby rails sublime text for windows windows 10#
  2. #Ruby rails sublime text for windows windows 8#

Expect some problems around javascript runtime (install node), some gems (Postgres was a bit difficult), but nothing impossible with patience and a significant amount of googling.

#Ruby rails sublime text for windows windows 8#

Now, if you have no other choices, I did setup a Rails environment on a Windows 8 machine two weeks ago, and it did work. A bit slower, a bit easier on the setup also. Second option is to setup a virtual machine on your windows box. Can't speak for windows 10, but works like a charm with the previous versions (7 and 8). Good ones include setting up a dual boot (having two OS on a single machine). Honestly, don't if you have any other option. I started with netbeans but it tended to implode too much I like sublime, most of the team use rubymine.We tend not touse powershell, but we have a few specialty jobs that do, nothing involving ruby.

ruby rails sublime text for windows

nothing special - we use the tortoise SCM tools (hg, svn and git clients).not sure - I imagine MRI will build fine, might have to wait for all the kinks in the devkit o be ironed out.I guess I should answer your questions directly too This similiarly impacts tools like spork and guard - they work to a degree, but often need restarting because they lose the plot. Only real thing that I miss is a genuine "fork" implementation - so a lot of the methods in the Process stdlib aren't available to me. We use bundler exclusively for dependency management. The migration process was pretty painless, occasional jockeying with the gems in the Gemfile. We switched to JRuby because we have a large population of Java coders who wanted to contribute JAR's to interface into their products.

ruby rails sublime text for windows

You will probably need a devkit installed as well, for gems with native C-code extensions. We started with MRI on windows, mostly without issue. Learning the Linux operating system would make you a better technologist, in my opinion. Personally, I don't use Windows so I'm more accustomed to a Linux/Unix based toolchain (vim, tmux, etc).Īnd, if all fails, use VirtualBox or dual boot into Linux.

ruby rails sublime text for windows

#Ruby rails sublime text for windows windows 10#

I am doubtful that the release of Windows 10 will impact Ruby 2.X operability but it can happen so be ready for it.Īs far as tools, just use Sublime or RubyMine. However, with that being said, there is really nothing stopping you if your use case for the language isn't inhibited by your operating system choice. A good document to read would be from the Python doc site:Īnd here is a nokogiri issue involved with adding Windows support: There will always be libraries that require C extensions that just aren't available/implemented on Windows. It's officially supported in a very limited sense.

Ruby rails sublime text for windows