Trimble business center point cloud
Trimble business center point cloud

trimble business center point cloud

By using various commands and changing the screen elements that make up a surface, we can make it work better for our purposes.


The TIN produced is the representation of points, 2D, and 3D lines produced in the software during data prep. A surface like this consists of flat triangles, often times thousands of them. We work with a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) also called a DTM (Digital Terrain Model). I will do an article on that particular subject in the future. If both are present, you can have them separated to make customizing the surface easier. Try CAD Points and Lines if you want to break out surface elements. You have several options should you decide to do so: I usually don’t expand the explode options. In the import command option, there are several options.

  • If you are not certain of the quality of the surface, check detail areas for accuracy.
  • Check the file header to verify units are correct.
  • You may need to import the surface several different ways to get results you like.
  • I like to track the import options for each type of file.
  • Never use drag and drop for an xml surface.
  • Trimble Business Center has some great import options for xml surfaces. I’ll reinforce some of these ideas with a video to help illustrate these concepts. What this blog post will so is focus on some powerful commands that are time savers and life savers for certain situations. You can find videos on that through Trimble’s website. This offering is not a training on surfaces. Today I want to go over some of the commands in Trimble Business Center and talk about the best places to use them. To complicate things further, as new and enhanced commands come out, users can be confused and frustrated trying to drink from the firehose of improvements.

    trimble business center point cloud

    We can do this quicker and more accurately than ever before but I find users get bogged down with what commands to use and when to use them. The software tool, Trimble Business Center, utilizes commands for creating, editing and checking surfaces to help us make data that performs well in the field. Using the wrong tool or trying to put too many in your bag causes problems.

    Trimble business center point cloud