Price 10 renown, +2 Will on rest, Level cap 2 Price 15 renown, 20% dodge Strength attacks, Level cap 3 Price 10 renown, 10% chance 2xStrength damage +1 Drawing Aggro, Level cap 2 Price 25 renown, 2 Armor per turn, Level cap 5įree item, 15% dodge Strength attacks, Level cap 2 Price 15 renown, +2 Armor on rest, Level cap 3 Price 15 renown, +2 Strength, Level cap 3 Price 10 renown, +2 Willpower, Level cap 2įree item, +1 Armor +1 Strength +1 Willpower, Level cap 1 Price 25 renown, 2 strength deflected +1 Will per kill, Level cap 5 Price 10 renown, +2 Will per kill, Level cap 2 Price 5 renown, Effect - +1 Armor, Level cap 1 They won’t happen in an order so that you are completely out of supplies or out of clansmen/fighters/varl within just a few events, so plan accordingly when trying to maintain a decent number (just so you don’t game over). Events that appear while you’re walking on the trail are actually randomized seeds as well. For some scripted fights (such as the Spellsinger fight on the bridge), the seeds can be randomized upon the event appearing that leads into the fight (Eyvind noticing the Spellsinger, and Iver and Rook talking about helping Eyvind out, for example).Ĩ. Enemy start locations are randomized at game creation, and the seeds can end up placing you against more units (that are weaker) or less units (that are stronger). Thus, supplies aren’t really needed throughout the whole run.ħ. Clansmen, Fighters, and Varl count don’t really matter unless you’re keen on keeping high totals, but in the end they have no effect on the gameplay or the ending. For scripted fights, you can set your party to one unit (Rook or Hakon, respective to their chapters) and skip turns until that unit dies to skip it, rather than playing it out.Ħ. If you issue a move command and then use the horn to give willpower, it skips the walking animation.ĥ. Store items are randomized on game creationĤ. Difficulty affects not only the duration of wounds, but also how much armor/strength foes have.ģ. Holding "SPACE" will skip through most present dialog.Ģ. The game is a Turn-based RPG that has a tricky but understandable combat system.ġ. RAW Paste Data The Banner Saga Speedrun notesĬredits - Missy (otokonokohime) for additional work/editing on route.