Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 pc lag
Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 pc lagnaruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 pc lag

Asuming you know witch video card you have i’m sure you will be able to find the oficial drivers pretty quick. Now i can’t help you much with that since the diference between the AMD or nvidia site’s and downloand pages are there. If you have an older version then the one on the site just go and download that. So you can decide witch resolution and vsync settings to use.The 3nd solution is to check if you have the latest driver for your video card.To do that just go to your video card’s oficial product webpage and check the version. I advice you to go check the system requirements witch are avalable on the game’s steam store page. In case you have a old pc this might help.Also try both with and without “vsync” option checked from the graphic menu and see witch one does better for you. To do that you have to set it on “none”.The secound solution is to try lower your resolution as much as posible. From there you shoud first disable “supersambling”. Here are some sample steps that you can follow in order to fix the problem:solution 1:open up your game and go to the graphic settings menu. Now depending on what system you have this may or may not work for you. Before i begin i want to mention that this is my first ever steam guide. In this guide i’m gonna try to tell you some solutions to the popular bug that cause game to lag during battle actualy now there might be many tutorials out there but from what i research they are non covering the actual steam version of the game.

Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3 pc lag